Library ceva_conjugate

Require Export PointsType.
Require Import TrianglesDefs.
Require Import incidence.

Open Scope R_scope.

Section Triangle.

Context `{M:triangle_theory}.

The P-Ceva conjugate of Q is the perspector of the cevian triangle of P and anti-cevian triangle of Q

Definition ceva_conjugate P U :=
 match P,U with
  cTriple p q r, cTriple u v w
  cTriple (u*(-q×r×u+r×p×v+p×q×w)) (v*(q×r×u-r×p×v+p×q×w)) (w*(q×r×u+r×p×v-p×q×w))

Definition is_ceva_conjugate P Q R := eq_points P (ceva_conjugate Q R).

Lemma ceva_conjugate_property :
  P Q,
      is_perspector (ceva_conjugate P Q) (cevian_triangle P) (anti_cevian_triangle Q).
destruct P.
destruct Q.
unfold is_perspector.
unfold ceva_conjugate, col.
repeat split;ring.

End Triangle.